Ali Naeimabadi


My name is Ali. I am a MSc. student at the Computing Science Department of University of Ali, and I am working under the supervision of Prof. Davood Rafiei. I am working on e-commerce product entity matching by leveraging LLMs and tabular data. I am very interested in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Information Retrieval (IR), and Question Answering (QA).


Aug, 2023 Our paper “Product Entity Matching via Tabular Data” got accepted at CIKM 2023.
Jun, 2023 Received travel award for Collision 2023 Conference.
Feb, 2023 Our paper “The Effect of Fine-tuned Word Embedding Techniques on the Accuracy of Automated Essay Scoring Systems Using Neural Networks” got accepted at JATT Journal. [Paper]
May, 2022 Awarded prestigious Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships (AIGSS) from Alberta Innovates.