Ali Naeimabadi

My name is Ali. I am a MSc. student at the Computing Science Department of University of Ali, and I am working under the supervision of Prof. Davood Rafiei. I am working on e-commerce product entity matching by leveraging LLMs and tabular data. I am very interested in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Information Retrieval (IR), and Question Answering (QA).
Aug, 2023 | Our paper “Product Entity Matching via Tabular Data” got accepted at CIKM 2023. |
Jun, 2023 | Received travel award for Collision 2023 Conference. |
Feb, 2023 | Our paper “The Effect of Fine-tuned Word Embedding Techniques on the Accuracy of Automated Essay Scoring Systems Using Neural Networks” got accepted at JATT Journal. [Paper] |
May, 2022 | Awarded prestigious Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarships (AIGSS) from Alberta Innovates. |